That's right, I had a birthday. I am 11 years old now.
I had a lot of fun on my birthday. On my birthday I got an air soft gun set from my parents and a beef jerky stick with some candy.

The day after my birthday my Grandma and Bob came to our house and took us out to dinner. We had Chinese food and it was delicious. They bought me a new camera for my birthday and a mancala game. Here are some pictures I took with the new camera.
Me and my grandma.

A few days after my birthday I had a sleepover party with my friends. We had an air soft war and had a bunch of pizza. For my birthday my friends got me a nerf gun and the game Clue.
The next day my other grandparents came over. They got me a My Sims 3 DS game. They also got me an iTunes gift card (I have my own iPod touch that I bought with my own money in January). Also on that day my uncle and aunt came over and dropped off some presents. They got me some nature print paper, cool frisbees with faces on them, some mentos gum, and a new shirt that I really like. It has a stereo on it.
Bye, people :-)
P.S. I dont know how to play Clue, but I'm kind of making stuff up as I go so it's fun.
Oh my stars! I ADORE Clue! (I also don't know how to "properly" play, but it's definitely fun my way, so no need to change things, lol.