Tuesday, August 24, 2010

How to make your own tortilla chips.

My aunt and uncle were over the other ay for dinner and we had some tacos.
I had an idea to make my own chips.
So, I asked my aunt how to make them and she said that first cut up a flour tortilla, put all the little pieces on the cookie sheet, then put butter or oil on them very gently.
Then you put them in the oven at about 300 degrees. Make sure it's on bake.
Then keep checking the oven to see if the sides are curling up on the tortillas.
Once they start to curl up they should be done.
And that is how you make tortilla chips.
Everyone thought mine were delicious. (here is a picture of the ones I made.)

1 comment:

  1. Very clever, Kayden! You are always such an inquisitive person. I respect and admire that! We miss you all terribly.
